2016 Annual Gift to FriendshipWorks

Note: the 2016 annual gift was also mentioned in our newsletter here:

This is our 2016 annual gift to FriendshipWorks in lieu of Christmas cards – A tradition I started 6 years ago just after starting my firm. At the time I wondered, “do people really want to get a Christmas card if there are no kids’ photos?” (these were the  pre-family years for me).

So I figured a better use of the money spent on cards and postage was to donate to an organization that helps people who have no one to visit on Christmas -in honor of you!

And that’s what we do annually now. We make a gift in honor of friends of ChrisGrande.com, clients of ours on our business side, and all of the people we are connected to. Thank you for your support.

Would you like to learn more about FriendshipWorks? Here is their site:

Want to donate more yourself?

Here’s a video of one of FW’s community leaders explaining how they help:

Thank you all for being a part of my community and Merry Christmas!

Thanks for watching.
Remember to 80/20 Your Money (and your entire life!


Chris Grande