The Chris Grande website (“the website” or “the site”) provides information about our firm and certain topics that we feel users of the website may find of interest.
Your use of the website is subject to the following Terms of Use. Your use of this Site indicates your acceptance of these terms.
The content provided on this Site is for informational, education and/or entertainment purposes only. The examples of some cases are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to suggest, promise or guarantee similar results. Before you make any decision that may have financial implications, you should consult with a qualified financial professional for specific financial advice tailored to your situation.
The Content of this Site does not convey legal, accounting, tax, career or other professional advice of any kind. Your use of this Site is not an invitation to enter into and does not create any kind of adviser-client relationship. Please do not send us confidential information.
The Content of this Site concerns topics selected by Chris Grande for dissemination to the general public, and is offered on a blind basis, without any knowledge as to your industry, identity or specific circumstances. The application and impact of relevant laws will vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and there may be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in information contained on this Site. Also, note that Content for articles tends to be topical at times and may change depending on government regulation, industry policy and other macro-economic factors. The Content of this Site should not be relied upon or used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. Chris Grande accepts no liability for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information or its contents.
Furthermore, The opinions expressed on this site are those solely of Chris Grande and do not necessarily represent those of Walnut Hill Advisors, LLC (WHA). This website is made available for educational and entertainment purposes only. Chris is an Investment Adviser Representative of WHA, a Registered Investment Advisor registered with the State of Massachusetts. This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a complete description of the investment services or performance of WHA. Nothing on this website should be interpreted to state or imply that past results are an indication of future performance. A copy of WHA’s Part II of Form ADV and privacy policy is available upon request.
Introduction of Chris as a Financial Planner
Although this site offers visitors a chance to hire or consider to hire Chris Grande for his financial planning purposes, should be viewed as an introduction to Chris only. Actual services for planning and investment management are offered through Walnut Hill Advisors, LLC. A Massachusetts Registered Investment Advisor. Disclosures, limitations and scope of service are outlined there or at
This website may be considered an introduction to Chris Grande for the purpose of hiring Chris for his financial planning services but not a solicitation for any specific financial service. Once that introduction is made, inquirers will be forwarded to and offered WHA’s form ADV2. At this point the relationship between and a prospective client will end and the relationship between a prospective client and Chris through his firm, Walnut Hill Advisors, LLC will begin. Chris Grande and WHA disclaim responsibility for updating information.
In regards to external links from our site:
The site sometimes provides an external link for informational purposes and the site, Chris Grande and his firm WHA are not responsible for the content of external websites linked to or referenced from this or our affiliated websites. Chris Grande and WHA neither endorses the information, content, presentation, or accuracy nor makes any warranty, express or implied, regarding these external websites. Users should be aware that when they select a link on the website to an external website, they are leaving Chris Grande’s site and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the external website.
In regards to comments and links posted by third parties on our site, Chris Grande does not approve or endorse any third party communications posted on this site.
Social Media “Affirmations”
In regards to “Likes’ on our Facebook page or any other sign of “approval” of Chris Grande, these actions should not be considered a positive reflection of the investment advisory services offered by Chris Grande acting as Principal of his planning firm Walnut Hill Advisors, LLC.
As of 2016 contains promotional and “affiliate” links. These links will result in revenue sharing or marketing revenue for products and services linked. not all links are affiliates. Affiliate links will be disclosed when used.
Typically, affiliate links will relate to products that Chris uses personally and/or recommends. Occasionally this may not be the case. However the intended purpose of these links is to generate revenue for sharing ideas, consulting, on success for readers. Furthermore, affiliate relationships do not mean an employee/employer relationship.
Thank you!
The Chris Grande website and its content are all © Copyright 2009-2016 Chris Grande. All rights reserved.
OK are we clear now? Please, it’s the 21st century; it’s ok to read my stuff but you still must think for yourself.