Following up my article that you may want to live in a smaller city – in which I highlighted having your own water supply would be one of the advantages – here is an article outlining California’s growing water supply problem.
According the article, Governor Schwarzenegger has promised to veto 700 bills if his proposal for a $12 billion bond issue to fund water projects (including dams) is not accepted. now, there are so many ways I can go with this information including:
1. There goes Cali again spending water they don’t have – and I GUARANTEE, before the 2012 presidential election, “Our Daddy,” Obama will bail out the financial wreck that is California.
2. thousands of acres of farmland have been sidelined due to lack of of water which exacerbates the food supply problem
3. Water supply will be one of the big fights, domestically and internationally in the 21st century
I’ll stick with the 3rd point – again, as a possible part of you FINANCIAL PLAN, consider living where you control the cost and supply of your water – namely outside the city with your own well. In the US, states will fight over water rights. This problem has been highlighted in many forums:
As an investment opportunity by Jim Rogers – China has a huge water problem for example
As a geopolitical hot point – think Nile River – it flows in one direction and those upstream control the flow leaving a trickle for those downstream.
As an interstate issue – especially in the Southwestern US where Pico, a public diversified company, owns water rights and sells them across state lines.
However you look at it, water will be an issue.
Chris Grande