Monday Thoughts – You’re Supposed to Go For It!


I have a video for you to watch (below), but before we get to that, I want to share a thought with you. It’s 2010 – and when a new year rolls around, some people think of resolutions, but I know many people think of past failures. The feelings vary widely but often come down to “woulda, shoulda & coulda.”

I should’ve done….I would’ve done …. if I had…. or I could’ve done this if I got the chance to…

And now, in 2010, with a bad economy, many people are looking to Washington for help. Many people are hoping that someone ELSE could come in and save them. But I’m here to tell you that it’s time for YOU to go for it. It’s time for you to put aside the woulda-shoulda-couldas, and the hopin’ & prayin’ for a personal “bailout” and it’s time to go for it! You live in the most free country in the world; you have the ability to start a business, any business – many with very little investment. You have the freedom to work 2 jobs or even 3 to save money and do what you want  (yes the freedom to work 2 or 3 jobs is an opportunity – many of us worked 2 jobs when one wouldn’t cut it – we could use our time if we yet didn’t have the skills to increase income).

There are many countries where you can’t start a business; there are many countries where you can’t decide what jobs you can apply for; there are many countries where the money in people’s pockets was devalued overnight by the government (North Korea, and Venezuela in the last month for example).

And even worse – many people don’t have enough food and water just to function and work. It amazes me that people in the US, with perfect health, eyesight, hearing, ability to read and write etc. make excuses. What would you rather make –  a life for yourself or excuses? Which sounds better? And if  at this point you are still feeling sorry for yourself, watch this video of Patrick Henry Hughes (great name) – and after you watch it, stop making excuses and GO FOR IT:

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