Medicare Hold Harmless: Your Questions Answered (Video)

Medicare’s Hold Harmless provision is lashing out in 2016. Certain people, particularly those not using Medicare part B yet and those earning over $85,000/year single (170k married) will likely see an increase in their Medicare Part B premiums when they do sign up.

Medicare Hold Harmless and the 25% Rule

The Medicare hold harmless provision builds in protections for low to middle income earners against strong increases in part B premiums. It accomplishes this in a simple way. By charging new signups more and higher income people more.

That’s the way to get re-elected. Don’t raise anyone’s existing bill too much. Hit the new people! Basically, the 25% rule is that premiums collected should cover 25% of the costs. However with perennially rising costs, and no cost of living increase this year on social security, current premiums won’t cover 2%.

Therefore, premiums must go up. But protections prevent increases for most people. Therefore, shortfalls must come from elsewhere.

Medicare hold Harmless – So Exactly How Will This Play Out?

This is where my latest video comes in. I interview Medicare expert Lindsay Quillen LCSW and ask her the top questions people are asking about Medicare Hold Harmless. If you or someone you know maybe affected, watch this video.

It’s free education – which is what my site is all about (and always has been about). If I can help more in any way, contact me personally! Without further delay, here’s the video:

About Our Featured Guest

Lindsay Quillen LCSW is a former social worker with a specialized knowledge of Medicare and services

Medicare expert Lindsay Quillen LCSW discusses hold harmless

Lindsay Quillen LCSW discusses Medicare Hold Harmless

to seniors. Lindsay has counseled thousands of individuals and professionals.

Lindsay has had the distinguished honor of presenting at several national and regional conferences. In 2011 she founded Medicare Mentors to “empower individuals to be informed consumers of their retirement healthcare options through education and guidance.”

For more information on Lindsay Quillen, LCSW and how to reach her, visit her site at To learn more about Medicare hold harmless changes, go to Lindsay’s “Happenings” page HERE.

To learn more about working with Chris, go to the Work with Chris page.

To learn more about Medicare and changes at Medicare, go to


This video is meant to be helpful and educational. But not advice just for you. We don’t know you. if you’d like personalized Medicare (and other) advice, contact a professional. One who can do a thorough needs analysis.  And advise you on the best way to go for your situation.