Bloomberg columnist Rich Joraslavsky featured 2 new “apps” (applications) that iPad and iPhone users can use to find and review movies and TV shows
across many of the various platforms where movies and shows are available. This includes not only cable channels but also Netflix, Hulu and other services:
He features “Fanhattan” and “Peel.”
Fanhattan, according to Joroslavsky:
“is a free app that acts as the ultimate TV Guide, helping you locate movies and shows for viewing on, or via, your iPad”
Peel, according to Jaroslavsky:
“is a $100 “appcessory,” a gadget-plus-app combination that turns your iPhone or iPod touch into a super-smart remote control for the stuff coming to your television via cable, satellite or Internet connection”
Read the article HERE for an interesting take on how people on the cutting edge of technology find and watch entertainment.