Boomers Want Retirement Coaches, Not Easy Chairs

Read this article on CNBC recently about boomers seeking retirement coaches. I certainly see this trend. Amazing the difference between the boomers and the generation before them – in activities, goals, expectations.

Many boomers that I work with have no intention of “retiring.” Some do, especially with burnout jobs, but I will be they will keep themselves active after finishing their primary career. It’s just in their blood to do “something.” And advising these folks is just plain fun – love working with boomers, love helping them downsize and start their second life (life after kids move out, after first necessary but boring career ends, etc).

Clients, including many boomers at one of my 2012 socials










And I can see boomers contributing to this country’s vibrancy throughout their “retirement” years, as they achieve more, do more, and live more.