Places Where You’d be Foolish to Pay Full Price

Routine shoppers are familiar with retail shops that constantly have sales. However, if like me,  you’re not quite the routine shopper, this nuance may pass you by. Therefore pay attention.

At a store like Macy’s, you’d be a fool to buy an item at regular price in my opinion. Why? Macy’s ALWAYS has sales (Macy’s has what appears to be a permanent Google link for Especially if you have a Macys card, you likely get frequent 20% off coupons and such. It’s the whole model, and it works. Michael’s is another chain that constantly puts out 40% off coupons (here is their page). Usually it’s on one item only but so what? Why would you pay full price? You can go multiple times or bring a friend to use a coupon if you want to buy more than one item.

Do you think the coupon “game” is silly? Maybe not. Let me tell you about a company that tried to go the other way and got shellacked.

JC Penney hired former Apple retail chief Ron Johnson and his big idea was straightforward honest pricing (“fair and square”). The best price -no gimmicks. It sounded similar to Saturn’s pitch some years back to avoid haggling when buying a car. How did shoppers respond to this offer?

Not pretty so far. Perhaps shoppers want the coupons to “feel” like they’re saving money?

An important point to consider – if you feel that way, then perhaps you should analyze your own psychology when buying things. If you need to be “tricked” by a sale to buy something, or if a sale induces you to buy more or needlessly, maybe you should reflect on those thoughts and think about the tricks that retailers try to play on your mind.

The one downside to JC Penneys’ new pricing is the lack of bargaining, which can be fun. Some people are uncomfortable haggling, which is too bad because it can be amusing and it can save even more money.